8 Things NOT To Do on a Sales Call

Hi readers,

As a follow up to my recent posts, I am sharing my views on what a sales rep should NOT DO on a sales call. These points that I am sharing with you may also be clubbed together with my take on how a sales rep needs to present himself , professionally , and therefore ensure quick and effective closure to the sale.

  • 1. Flirt with the admin.  It may seem tempting, but unless you’re a Don Draper look-alike, chances are you’re only going to annoy the admin, and she’ll tell the boss.  Fix: Stay polite, friendly and respectful.
  • #2. Talk more than you listen.  Initial sales calls are all about relationship building and gathering information, which you can’t do if your mouth is moving.  Fix: Get curious about the customer and ask questions.
  • #3. Comment on the memento.  The last 372 people who came into that office remarked about the signed baseball on the desk.  Ho-hum…  Fix: Research the prospect and ask about the prospect’s job.
  • #4. Pretend to drop by.  Who are you kidding?  Do you think that it’s going to cushion the rejection if you pretend that it’s not a sales call?  Fix: Have something important to say or sell that justifies your presence.
  • #5. Answer your cell phone.  Ouch! Ouch!  What were you thinking?  How could any telephone call be more important than a real live prospect?  Fix: Turn it off and leave it in your briefcase.
  • #6. Overstay your welcome.  Your prospect has hundreds of other things that he or she could be doing, rather than spending time with you.  Fix: Set a time limit for the call.
  • #7. Let the meeting meander.  This isn’t the time for a wandering conversation that slowly gets to the point or a long series of complicated questions.  Fix: Provide brief agenda of how you expect the call to proceed.
  • #8. Argue with the customer.  If the customer doesn’t agree with an important point, arguing is only going to set that opinion in stone.  Fix: ask the customer why he holds that opinion; then listen.